Select My Career
How Can My Personality Strengths Assessment (PSA)© Help Me Select My Best Career?
Alicia stands in front of her high school for the last time. She thinks, “I was very successful in high school. Got top grades. Was Editor of the paper and yearbook. But there’s not any money for college. How will I create success in my life now? I’ll do it myself. I get a job. Save money. Go to school every semester no matter what. When I get a good job I will help my two brothers and two sisters go to college, too. I can do this!”
Her high school counselor helps – gives her personality strength tests. Her PSA© tells her what she is really good at. Her parents love her, and she can live at home.
Her journalism teacher talks about her strengths. She tells her that her real strength is in examining all of her options and then selecting the most promising one (Theoretical Value at 99%). Then she just works harder than most of us. She is higher in Achievement than 95% of us. With this combination people a lot smarter than she is won’t even begin to accomplish what she does.
Alicia studies her PSA©. Then she thinks about how she can use each of her personality strengths to balance working and going to school. Let’s see what she does.
Click here to open the Test Results for Alicia.
Alicia’s Personality Strengths Related to Her Career Choice
Alicia got a fulltime job selling clothes at a department store right away – partly because most people won’t work the 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm shift, and she will. Now she gets to take morning classes at college – so that works great for her. She’s on her way!
Let’s see how Edward uses his personality strengths to select his career.
Edward is a natural born leader – people just want to follow him (Dominance and Political Value at 99%). They may follow him because they really like him. When he was in high school people usually elected him to be president of whatever group he was in even when he didn’t particularly want to be in charge.
Edward just graduated from high school, and he has absolutely no interest in going to college. His parents pay for him to get his PSA© to help him figure out what career to have.
As you read Edward’s Personality Strengths Assessment©, what career do you think he would be good in?
Click here to open the Test Results for Edward.
How Edward Uses His PSA© to Select His Career
Everyone who looks at Edward’s PSA© thinks that he should be in sales. He agrees and thinks that would be fun.
So he gets a job in sales.
Can I use my Personality Strengths Assessment (PSA)© to help me figure out how to select my career?
You betcha!
You already learned a lot about how a two people can use a PSA© to select a career by reading about Alicia and Edward. You know a lot about your current situation.
1. Print out this explanation of how Alicia’s and Edward’s PSAs© helped them select a career. Scan this and save it as a document in a folder named “My PSA© and My Career.”
2. To order your PSA©: Go back to the Home Page. When you take your tests: Think of yourself as you are when you are at your very best.
3. After you get your PSAs©: Use them to help you understand how to use your PSAs© to see how to use you’re your personality strengths to make your career all that it can be.
4. The more you think about your strengths the more you will see how to make them work together…and use them all of your life.
You can do this!